The 10 Codes of Security Guard Standards provide public safety and the most basic requirements that new guards must comply with. These standards are used by law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services, and other emergency services throughout the country. They are a standard requirement for all security guards in any environment. Whether working at home or in an office setting, it is critical to be trained in all 10 codes. The standards apply generally to government employees but they can also be used by private security contractors to ensure their employees have all the necessary knowledge and skills to keep the public safe. It is essential that everyone involved in the operation fully understands the standards before they are applied. The standards are written in a way that is easy to comprehend, follow, and apply. It is essential that security operations be regulated in accordance with the established standards. Without proper standards and enforcement, there will always be a risk. This is why emergency agencies have training for security personnel. This includes fire, ambulance service, and criminal justice enforcement. Each state has its own standards for security guard officers. The standards may be consistent from state to state, but they do not have to be. Depending on the level of service that is expected from your security guard business, the standards may differ as well. You don't have to adhere to the same standards, but there are ways you can make sure that each state has its own requirements. There are many things to be aware of when it comes to training security officers. Proper weapon usage is one area that must be addressed. Although you don't have to possess specific types of weapons to meet the standards, it will be helpful to have the knowledge and skills necessary to use them properly in the future. Along with weapon use, guards should also be educated on the more technical aspects of security systems. Security guards Melbourne must be able recognize and comprehend the different types of cameras used for monitoring security in a building. Computer security systems also need to be able recognize all the security cameras. Other alarm systems are available that the security officer must be able to communicate with and work with. One of the most important standards that you will be expected to follow is the mental health and well being of your security guard customers. It is vital that you are able to maintain a professional relationship with your clients. When you show your customers that you care about them and are concerned about their well being, then they are much more likely to want to work with you. You must uphold your legal responsibility to anyone who may be present in your facility. The enforcement standards will also protect you from any type of liability that could come from not following proper procedures. There are many complaints against guards and companies who don't follow the law. If you are a business proprietor, then you should be aware of the standards and the responsibility that comes with them. You have a responsibility to maintain the highest standards in professionalism and training if you work in the security industry. This will help you to create a safe work environment for all your employees.